Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh My God, Ouch!

I really don't want to complain (some of you have heard enough about this), but I am literally at my wits end with this back pain.  It's been almost 5 years since I was diagnosed with lower disc degeneration, and I've had enough.  Whether it came from all those years of karate and soccer, or is a consequence of being overweight, I'm sick and tired of feeling debilitated. 

I'm 27-years old and otherwise healthy... I should be able to run on a treadmill and sit in an office chair at work.  But no, both of those things (along with some others) cause me great pain to the point where I'm in tears.  I feel so stupid when my CEO walks by while I'm stretching, or my boss is trying to have a conversation with me and I can't sit still.  It's the absolute worst when I feel like I'm back in middle school and need a doctor's note because I have to say I'm working from home so I can be in my recliner or on the couch.

I have some calls into specialist doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital, so I'm hoping to get some updated answers very soon.

On a happy note, the NCAA Basketball Tournament continues tonight and I'm excited!  My pick-to-win (Kansas) and my alma mater (Maryland) are out, but I'm still pumped because with all the upsets so far this year, there should be some great games still to come...

On a VERY happy note, I'm spending the weekend in Philly with my family and boyfriend, which couldn't have come at a better time.  Almost 2 weeks ago, my grandmother fell out of bed and broke her hip.  The home is taking very good care of her, and we've had family check up on her at the hospital.  We are all still wishing and hoping for her full recovery from surgery last week, and truly wish Egypt was closer so we could go see her ourselves.  At age 87, aside from the Alzheimer's, she is in great physical condition, and we'd like the remainder of her life to be pain free.
I need some family time... especially with Passover starting next week!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you back is bothering you. I really hope that JH can find something to help releive this pain. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
