Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I've been warned!

To quote my friend, Chris, "I am following [your blog] now, so you better write important shit."

Thanks dude, that doesn't make me nervous at all.  I thought this was going to be a fun and relaxing experience, but apparently I'll be judged and graded each day.  It's a damn good thing I'm highly entertaining and full of wisdom to impart on my "followers."

After sending out an email last night about this new blog, many people were supportive and eager to start reading what on earth I have to say.  Others were looking for a specific reason that I'd even consider starting a blog.  Really, I don't have any specific thing in my life going on that I feel the need to share (although I guess there is a lot going on).  As my roommate, Erin, said, "You have a lot to say.  This is good for you."  And I do have a lot to say.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am constantly talking, blabbing, rambling, sharing opinions, sharing stories, discussing experiences... with pretty much anyone who will listen.  So I feel that this is a perfect venue to give some of my friends / family a rest from my actual voice.  Instead, when they so desire, they can read this blog and know what I'm feeling, thinking, wondering, wanting, needing. 

If you are reading this and NEED TO KNOW certain topics that may be discussed within the coming months, I'll name a few:
  • weight loss (I won't pity myself, just discuss what changes I'm making and how they are going)
  • March for Babies
  • Avon Walk
  • my relationship (I'll try to keep the corny sentiments to a minimum, but that's hard when you love someone and want everyone to know, haha)
  • weddings (I'm attending 2 in May, one at which I will be singing)
  • job stuff (oh boy)
  • books (I've only read 2 this year, so I'm really slacking)
  • summer trips
  • friends & family
I reserve the right to add to, subtract from, and expand on this list.

    1 comment:

    1. So when did I become "friend" Chris and not "best friend"?? Hurtful dude, lol
