Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh My God, Ouch!

I really don't want to complain (some of you have heard enough about this), but I am literally at my wits end with this back pain.  It's been almost 5 years since I was diagnosed with lower disc degeneration, and I've had enough.  Whether it came from all those years of karate and soccer, or is a consequence of being overweight, I'm sick and tired of feeling debilitated. 

I'm 27-years old and otherwise healthy... I should be able to run on a treadmill and sit in an office chair at work.  But no, both of those things (along with some others) cause me great pain to the point where I'm in tears.  I feel so stupid when my CEO walks by while I'm stretching, or my boss is trying to have a conversation with me and I can't sit still.  It's the absolute worst when I feel like I'm back in middle school and need a doctor's note because I have to say I'm working from home so I can be in my recliner or on the couch.

I have some calls into specialist doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital, so I'm hoping to get some updated answers very soon.

On a happy note, the NCAA Basketball Tournament continues tonight and I'm excited!  My pick-to-win (Kansas) and my alma mater (Maryland) are out, but I'm still pumped because with all the upsets so far this year, there should be some great games still to come...

On a VERY happy note, I'm spending the weekend in Philly with my family and boyfriend, which couldn't have come at a better time.  Almost 2 weeks ago, my grandmother fell out of bed and broke her hip.  The home is taking very good care of her, and we've had family check up on her at the hospital.  We are all still wishing and hoping for her full recovery from surgery last week, and truly wish Egypt was closer so we could go see her ourselves.  At age 87, aside from the Alzheimer's, she is in great physical condition, and we'd like the remainder of her life to be pain free.
I need some family time... especially with Passover starting next week!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I've been warned!

To quote my friend, Chris, "I am following [your blog] now, so you better write important shit."

Thanks dude, that doesn't make me nervous at all.  I thought this was going to be a fun and relaxing experience, but apparently I'll be judged and graded each day.  It's a damn good thing I'm highly entertaining and full of wisdom to impart on my "followers."

After sending out an email last night about this new blog, many people were supportive and eager to start reading what on earth I have to say.  Others were looking for a specific reason that I'd even consider starting a blog.  Really, I don't have any specific thing in my life going on that I feel the need to share (although I guess there is a lot going on).  As my roommate, Erin, said, "You have a lot to say.  This is good for you."  And I do have a lot to say.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am constantly talking, blabbing, rambling, sharing opinions, sharing stories, discussing experiences... with pretty much anyone who will listen.  So I feel that this is a perfect venue to give some of my friends / family a rest from my actual voice.  Instead, when they so desire, they can read this blog and know what I'm feeling, thinking, wondering, wanting, needing. 

If you are reading this and NEED TO KNOW certain topics that may be discussed within the coming months, I'll name a few:
  • weight loss (I won't pity myself, just discuss what changes I'm making and how they are going)
  • March for Babies
  • Avon Walk
  • my relationship (I'll try to keep the corny sentiments to a minimum, but that's hard when you love someone and want everyone to know, haha)
  • weddings (I'm attending 2 in May, one at which I will be singing)
  • job stuff (oh boy)
  • books (I've only read 2 this year, so I'm really slacking)
  • summer trips
  • friends & family
I reserve the right to add to, subtract from, and expand on this list.

    Tuesday, March 23, 2010

    What am I doing here?

    I have a dear friend Joe who I met at sleepaway camp back in middle school.  Out of everyone from my camp experience, Joe is the only one who has stayed a part of my life... through high school, college, different relationships, the army sending him to war, living several states apart when he was home, and the general obstacles that life provides.  Nonetheless, Joe keeps a very special place in my heart, as someone who knows me, respects me, cares about me, and makes me smile.

    A few days ago, Joe sent me the link to his new blog.  I must say, after over 10 years of friendship, Joe was the last person I'd think to have a blog where he shares his feelings and experiences.  I mean come on, his emails from war-torn countries are short and sweet, with little emotion (probably on purpose for those of us concerned with his activities).

    I became intrigued by the idea and wanted to know more.  I mean, I'm just as cool as Joe, if not infinitely cooler.  Joe has a very distinct idea of what his blog is for / what it will cover... do most bloggers do the same?  Do I need a "topic" or "theme" for my blog if I were to start one?  I asked my colleague Emily how she felt about blogging, and she immediately sent me her own personal link.  She indeed had a "topic"... a goal for 2010 for which she would document the journey.  So I guess I need a "topic?"  Then I thought back to my friend Serita's blog... and it seemed to discuss whatever was going on that day (although it was usually finding the humor in the male species, which I suppose is a "topic").

    So, after much deliberating (not really), I decided to start my own blog.  No clue what I will write.  No clue if a "topic" or "theme" will form.  No clue if anyone will read it or how long I'll keep it up.  But hey, should be fun!