It's not the mass quantity of matzah ball soup (drool) or the four cups of wine we "must" consume during the Seder (gulp). Although both are compelling reasons to at least show up.
The Passover story has all the elements of an exciting tale – slavery and oppression followed by freedom and redemption – with hope for the future. Passover educates us about our past, helps us appreciate what we have today and encourages us to continue asking questions, continue telling stories.
Some of my favorite conversations with some of my favorite people happen around the Seder table. We talk religion, politics, current events. We share stories of professional gain, personal milestones, Seders of the past.
Most importantly, we create memories. Every Jew and Gentile alike who joins our Seder table, whether it be only one year or every year since the first, leaves an imprint on my heart.
In just 4 nights we will begin the Passover holiday which coincides with the beginning of spring - a time for renewal, rethinking and rebirth. As we face new and exciting opportunities in our personal and professional lives, may this Passover give us the insight and courage to create ourselves anew.